"Sport has the power to change the world.
It has the power to inspire. It has the power to unite."
- Nelson Mandela

Treading Lightly
Not only is time spent in nature crucial for our physical and mental health, but we rely on a healthy planet for a healthy human race.
As athletes, we are well-primed to care about nature. Through sport, we can enable a better and more sustainable future by addressing climate change, environmental degradation and community inequity.
Climate Fresk
Film Screenings
Cooking Classes
How We Are Driving Change
The essence of Athletes for Nature is to protect and restore. At the heart of our movement is the commitment to move through nature, leaving only footprints behind.
Our Core Values:
Physical activity has multiple health, social and economic benefits that can make a significant contribution to community well-being and quality of life.
Scientific studies have demonstrated the restorative outcomes of immersion in natural environments, including physical and psychological wellness.
Learning about the traditional custodians and significant landmarks of the land and waterways you traverse, creates a deeper connection to the area.
Embracing these core values allows us to undertake the Athletes for Nature Action Steps in a more engaging and meaningful manner.
Each time anyone heads out to train or compete, we encourage them to undertake as many of our action steps as they can.