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Affiliate for Change

Advocate for change by becoming an Athletes for Nature affiliate.

Athletes are encouraged to support groups and events that make a conscientious effort to minimise their impact on our planet.


Whether you are a small community-based group, a sports club, a sporting event or a coaching entity, pledge to undertake the Affiliate Action Steps.


There are a growing number of ‘more responsible’ sporting events and it is no surprise that those same events offer the best race-day experiences. Be a community leader and lighten your environmental footprint.​

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Affiliate Action Steps

Fossil Fuel Sponsor

No Fossil Fuel Sponsors

The main cause of climate change is emissions from fossil fuels, undermining the health of your sport and participants.
Reject 'fossil fuel' funding, including high-carbon emitters such as airlines and vehicles.

reduce waste

Reduce Waste

Minimise waste to landfill. Do not offer 'useless' freebies or unnecessary packaging. Provide more reusable options and erradicate food waste.

public transport

Provide Lighter Travel

Travelling to and from training/racing locations is commonly the biggest source of COâ‚‚ equivalent emissions for an event. Provide organised transport alternatives to participants.

repurpose gear

Repurpose Gear

Give sports gear a second chance to give someone else their first chance. Avoid single-use event equipment, and provide participants with access to second-hand gear.

offer plant-based

Offer Plant-Based

Plant-based diets are more environmentally sustainable than diets rich in animal products. Provide plant-based alternatives for participants, with a goal of moving toward plant-centred catering.

Every tonne of COâ‚‚ equivalent not released into the atmosphere helps our planet and human health a little bit more. 

Endeavour to do your best to champion these Action Steps.
Avoiding fossil fuel sponsorship is essential, or affiliation will be terminated. This demonstrates the importance of this action.
Reject greenwashing, promote athlete and public health, and support the future we want.

Proudly display the 'Affiliated' Athletes for Nature logo on your website, and have your logo displayed on our website.

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